

Choices’ approach is one of a kind because it gives choice to each participant and the opportunity to be involved in programs that are based on the ever-changing needs of the individual.

(DTA) Adult Program

Our Adult Program is geared to members 18 years old and older and provides specialized sensory-motor, cognitive, communicative, social interaction and behavioral training.

(DTS) Summer Program

We provide members with opportunities to continue their growth while school is out for the summer. This program continues to enforce lessons learned during the school year. These lessons are integrated with community outings and social development.

(DTT) After School Program

Our After School Program is designed to provide training after school and during school breaks; during these periods we provide specialized sensory-motor, cognitive, communicative, social interactions and behavioral training.

LiveScan Fingerprinting Services


(YTTP) Youth Transitional Program

The Young Adult Transition Training is designed to meet the needs of individuals who are 14 to 21 years of age and need additional training or education so they can realize their vocational goal(s) upon leaving high school.

Sports and Outdoor Activities

Our Adult Program is geared to members 18 years old and older and provides specialized sensory-motor, cognitive, communicative, social interaction and behavioral training.

(HCBS) Home and Community Based Services

This unique service provides personal training and supervision for the member in his/her home and scheduled on an as needed basis, or we can train you to provide services in your own home.

Transportation Services

This service provides non-emergency transportation for members to and from our facilities and to each outing during the week. We also pick up from other institutions and provide transportation home as authorized for the member.

Training Services

We are a certified training facility and offer both CPR and First Aid training as well as (DCW) Direct Careworker Training. Daytime classes are available…Reserve you seat now!